The rain pitter-patters outside, the blanket is knitted and cozy, the movie is playing and the evening is early… all the perfect things for a quiet night in – expect you are missing one thing; this Cacao Super Elixir warming on the stove and a gorgeous mug to sip it […]
Tag: vegan
Fermented Foods for Every Home
It is no secret that I like fermented foods… ok, so I LOVE fermented foods! They are far from a ‘health fad’ with many different cultures passing on their own fermented recipes and traditions, each specific to their country, region and the ingredients availble that season. Traditionally fermenting and preserving […]
Baked Bircher Bars
Road trips, I love them! To me, there is nothing better than setting off, exploring back roads and little towns. Finding the local only markets and tiny bakeries that make the best sourdough olive loaf and enjoying it picnic style with shoeless feet and sun-kissed shoulders. When we think of […]
Wild Berry Ice Creams
Australia is in a heat wave at the moment – and I am not so secretly loving it! I have always preferred warm weather, the beach, the warmth of the sun on your skin – it is pure bliss! The warm weather also has me craving cooling foods, so ice […]
Wild Dandelion Green Smoothie
This morning I was craving a delicious green smoothie, and where we are housesitting there are fields of fresh (pollution free) dandelions! Really they are everywhere! And stinging nettles but I haven’t quite braved up to touch them If you are going to wild harvest your kitchen ingredients besure […]
Are your supplements doing more harm than good?
I met with a friend the other day and while sipping our chai tea she asked me about what supplements she should take. Sure, it sounds like a simple little question but without a full health history what might appear as a simple question can grow rather quickly! So rather […]