The rain pitter-patters outside, the blanket is knitted and cozy, the movie is playing and the evening is early… all the perfect things for a quiet night in – expect you are missing one thing; this Cacao Super Elixir warming on the stove and a gorgeous mug to sip it […]
Smoothies & Drinks
Golden Turmeric Milk
I adore turmeric, I love finding it in the local markets and taking it home to create delicious curries, warming teas and tasty dips. Turmeric has a mild taste and vibrant colour which boasts delicious health benefits! You can find turmeric in my pantry and fridge ready to be enjoyed, […]
Iced Matcha
Matcha is not a new trend, in fact, it is believed that Matcha was first brought to Japan from China by the Zen Monk Eisai in 1191 AD! In Japanese ‘cha’ means tea and ‘ma’ means powder, which gives Matcha the literal translation as tea powder. Traditionally Matcha is used […]
Wild Dandelion Green Smoothie
This morning I was craving a delicious green smoothie, and where we are housesitting there are fields of fresh (pollution free) dandelions! Really they are everywhere! And stinging nettles but I haven’t quite braved up to touch them If you are going to wild harvest your kitchen ingredients besure […]
Hello from the sunny fields of Scotland! We are now up to the UK leg of our road trip and I have fallen in love with the wild fruits and countryside! Poor Rob has to stop the car on nearly every corner so I can do a little wild picking […]
Superwoman Cacao Smoothie
This smoothie transforms every woman into a superwoman, but let’s face it, most of us already are! So really it puts a bit of pep into our capes! Full of delicious superfoods this smoothie will have you energised, balance moods and metabolism as well as detox you, and all while tasting […]