Tag: naturopath

Golden Turmeric Milk

I adore turmeric, I love finding it in the local markets and taking it home to create delicious curries, warming teas and tasty dips. Turmeric has a mild taste and vibrant colour which boasts delicious health benefits! You can find turmeric in my pantry and fridge ready to be enjoyed, […]

Fermented Foods for Every Home

It is no secret that I like fermented foods… ok, so I LOVE fermented foods! They are far from a ‘health fad’ with many different cultures passing on their own fermented recipes and traditions, each specific to their country, region and the ingredients availble that season. Traditionally fermenting and preserving […]

Wild Berry Ice Creams

Australia is in a heat wave at the moment – and I am not so secretly loving it! I have always preferred warm weather, the beach, the warmth of the sun on your skin – it is pure bliss! The warm weather also has me craving cooling foods, so ice […]

Wild Dandelion Green Smoothie

This morning I was craving a delicious green smoothie, and where we are housesitting there are fields of fresh (pollution free) dandelions! Really they are everywhere! And stinging nettles but I haven’t quite braved up to touch them 😉 If you are going to wild harvest your kitchen ingredients besure […]