As you may know by now, I am the Naturopath for the amazing Teresa Cutter – but you may also know her as The Healthy Chef.
My love for cooking, well healthy cooking was thanks to Teresa and her brilliant recipes. Simple whole food cooking, that not only tastes amazing but benefit your health too! It was after many years of cooking up a storm and following her recipes that I joined The Healthy Chef team, and I can honestly stay I am so grateful to be apart of the team. There are many fun parts of my job but the pretty delicious side is getting to know and use her products, which is pretty fantastic really.
All Teresa’s products have been specifically formulated to support our health, with food as medicine – and this is VERY important to me.
This recipe features The Healthy Chef Organic Superfood – a yummy combo of dehydrated fruit, berries and vegetables to support the body with a boost of nutrients and antioxidants. I like this recipe for breakfast and I add in a serve of pea protein or you can have it as an afternoon snack to get you through the day. This recipe is PERFECT for children to increase their daily serving of fruits and vegetables! Just omit the bee pollen to be safe
Serves one
1/2 cup of frozen mixed berries (organic please)
1 serve of The Healthy Chef Organic Superfood
2 tbsp of Pura Veda seed Mix (all gluten free and grain free)
1/2 banana
1 tsp bee pollen
2 tbsp chipped coconut
2 tbsp chopped almonds
1 serve of spirulina powder (optional)
pinch of cinnamon and turmeric
1/4 cup of organic nut milk (or your milk of choice)
1. In a high speed blender, or food processor pop all your ingredients in and go for it – add a splash of nut milk if you would like it thinner or add more berries and nuts to make it thicker
2. enjoy straight away topped with fresh banana, chopped nuts and seeds or more pura veda seed mix