
Natural Tricks to a Good Nights Sleep

Everyone needs a good and restful night sleep, adults require 7 – 8 hours sleep (good sleep) per night! Our body is very active at night time, while we sleep our body is balancing hormones, creating new hormones, repairing and making new cells, cleaning toxins, waste and can even reduce risk […]

A Naturopathic Detox

Detox [noun dee-toks; verb dee-toks] informal a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification. When we think of detox or cleanse, the first things we think of is starving ourselves, lemon and chili powder drinks, tiny portions […]

KOMBUCHA – ‘Elixir of life’

Kombucha – kom·bu·cha ( /kômˈbo͞oCHə/ ) Definition of kombucha in English: (Noun) A beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria;  Kombucha, the ‘elixir of life’ ! It may be the first time you are hearing about kombucha or like me you might have a slight addiction, which are […]

My gluten free flour must haves

It is officially over a year since I have been 100% gluten free (with the exception of one croissant on mums birthday) my tummy and I are so much happier and my pantry is looking quite stunning. If you are needing to go gluten free or just wanting to introduce […]

Sunday tips for a healthy week!

Let’s be honest, being healthy can take time and planning to make everything happen smoothly – my number one recommendation for a healthy lifestyle is to be prepared! These simple steps can make a world of difference when starting or enhancing a healthy lifestyle. 1. Create a meal plan : […]

Healing Spices

The weather is starting to cool and as we start to transition our body starts to crave warming foods, spices and teas (helllooooo every variety of Chai tea). This helps to warm us from the inside out. Cooking with fresh herbs and spices is one of the easiest way to naturally warm the digestive system. By […]