Spring and Smoothies – the perfect combo, fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables with the lightness to support our spring metabolism.
In this smoothie, I have used coconut water. The coconut water brings a sweetness to the smoothie, so you dont need to add in dates, honey ect. It also provides you with hydration to get you through the day. When Choosing a coconut water that is right for you, ALWAYS turn the tetrapack over and check the ingredients – it should say one thing “100% coconut water” no sugar, numbers, additives or preservatives – just pure coconut water. Better yet, if you are able to find the fresh coconuts, crack on open and enjoy the flesh as well!
This Recipe is: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Paleo, Raw, Vegan, Sugar Free,
1 frozen banana
1/4 an ripe avocado
a handful of baby spinach or lightly steamed kale
a serving of protein (I use organic pea protein)
a serving of super greens powder (optional but so good for you)
cold coconut water to blend
1. Pop all your ingredients into a blender, and blend away. Enjoy straight away