Tag: dairy free

My gluten free flour must haves

It is officially over a year since I have been 100% gluten free (with the exception of one croissant on mums birthday) my tummy and I are so much happier and my pantry is looking quite stunning. If you are needing to go gluten free or just wanting to introduce […]

happiness is doughnuts

  Back when I finished high school and was in my first year of Uni, I decided to become a psychologist. After a year or so I decided it wasn’t quite and feel in love with Naturopathy (and have loved every second of that decision since)! however, there was one sociology […]

Teff Breakfast Bowl

Teff… I know what you are thinking… what is Teff? We have another superfood! Teff is tiny tiny gluten-free seed – about the size of a poppy seed or half a sesame seed. Teff has been found to have a delicious dose of calcium, iron, dietary fibre and vitamin C. […]

Paleo Porridge

A quick and easy breakfast for on the go! this recipe only takes 5 minutes to make! Rich in protein and fibre to keep you full throughout the morning and naturally supports digestive health. I made this recipe to keep me nice and sustained for a day in the Dandelion […]

Hulk Bars

This recipe is perfect for the whole family to get involved, free from added sugar making them perfect for an after-school snack – they do however contain almonds so not so perfect for lunch boxes but save them for after school and you have yourself a winner! I really enjoy […]

Berry Protein Muffins

I am really enjoying baking at the moment, playing with different gluten free flours and experimenting with different ingredients. This week I have been looking at different ways for my clients to increase plant proteins in their diet, as most of my clients like to use a protein powder its important […]