
Returning To Sport Or Exercise After Birth

Have you heard of the boat theory? Try to imagine that your pelvic floor is the water level, while your pelvic organs (your uterus, bladder and bowel) are the boat sitting on top of the water. Again, imagine the boat is attached by ropes (your supportive ligaments) to the jetty. […]

Tiny Habits To Embrace Self Care

Taking the time to give yourself some extra self-care is a great way to keep anxiety at bay and remain fit. Implementing these tiny habits are not only achievable but you can also sneak them into your routine, feel the difference quickly and with very minimal cost involved. Personal Time: […]

Making Babies – Trimester One

Trimester one… the one that everyone says is the hardest, which is why we knew we wanted to share with our closest friends and family early – for the support. It can be hard, lonely and scary to be in these initial weeks and months were bub is growing at […]

Making Babies – Our Preconception Journey

Before jumping into our preconception journey, I wanted to say that I am beyond grateful for our journey so far, I acknowledge that this isn’t the case for everyone. Fertility affects everyone differently, while it can bring joy it can also bring sadness, frustration and pain. As a Naturopath, I […]