
The Unbearable Bloat

You are sitting there finishing up your meal, chatting with your friend across the table and then you start to feel it. It’s uncomfortable, you are in pain and slowly your pants get tighter and tighter – so much so that the button on your jeans starts pushing so hard […]

Skin Deep – nourishing the skin from within

Most women purchase skincare and cosmetics to nourish and nurture a desires to look or feel better. We all want shiny hair and glowing skin, and it’s easy to get sucked into marketing claims for products that promise they can help you achieve this! It’s not uncommon to ask for […]

Finding the Magic Within

Life isn’t perfect. Nobody’s life is perfect. Regardless of what somebody’s Instagram feed might tell you, or despite how you might feel after reading a tabloid article about a Victoria’s Secret model, you can’t believe everything you see or read. Seemingly perfect or not, we all feel challenged or unhappy […]

Acupressure…how to get your release

Acupressure is an ancient healing technique, which has been used for over 5000 years within Traditional Chinese Medicine practice and is used commonly today, in conjunction with massage and other bodywork techniques to support health and wellness. The practice of Acupressure is where a pressure is applied, using only the […]

Winters First Aid Kit

Oh Autumn, there you are! It took some time to get to us but this cold wet and autumn day has finally arrived – and this usually comes with the arrival of other things… sore throats, coughs and colds. Our immune system is a wondrous thing and there are simple […]