WORDS | Alyce Cimino Lead Naturopath

In the clinic, I ADORE the information that pathology testing can bring. First and foremost I will always act on someone’s symptoms they are experiencing but sometimes things are hiding in pathology (or in plain sight) that can give all the answers.

Even with this, we often hear “I’ve had work done before but I was told everything was fine” and often this is the reason why. As a Naturopath and holistic nutritionist we view results slightly differently to the conventional range.

Conventionally it is often very black and white, you are either in range or you are not. Naturopatically we are about the shades of gray, looking at the reference range for what they are (based on the people getting testing done, NOT that they are optimal ranges), this is one of the main reasons that you can be told you are fine when looking at the results they are saying sure your fine, but you could be feeling better.

A great example of this is on the second slide… a client was told that her vitamin D was a little low (which it is) but the reference range is >50 (above 50). Naturopathically we like this number to be much higher (usually between 100-120) to hit an optimal range rather than just “in range”.

So, what is the starting point?
First step is to have a full consultation done and learn more about your current health, your health history, dietary and lifestyle. From there we can chat through what pathology testing may be indicated, either directly through us or in conjunction with your general practitioner.

We are already over halfway through 2024, so it’s time for your midyear pathology check up!

***This is not the case for every practitioner both medical and integrative. We work with some pretty amazing GP’s who we ADORE! we prefer to work alongside amazing GPS as often things bring faster results for our clients ***

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