Breakfast can be should be so much more than box cereal and toast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, nourishing you for the day ahead. There are many options but they should all contain a few things:
1. A good source of protein: Eggs, fish, legumes, nuts/seeds, yoghurt ect
2. A good source of healthy fats: Avocado, fish, nuts and seeds, oils (linseed/hemp/avocado)
3. A good source of fibre: Nuts and seeds, fresh vegetables, linseed meal, LSA,
4. A fermented yummy: sauerkraut, kim chi, miso soup or kefir
This recipe ticks all the boxes setting you up for a great day ahead.
This Recipe is: Paleo, Vegetarian, Gluten free, Dairy free, Grain free, Sugar free
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and grated
1 -2 small white potatoes, peeled and grated
2 eggs
1 tbsp chia seeds
a small handful of chopped parsley
your choice of protein: grilled salmon, poached eggs, chickpea tempeh ect
1/2 avocado
green salad leaves to serve
1. In a mixing bowl, add in your potatos, eggs and chia seeds, parsley and any seasoning you may like, using your hands mix together.
2. Heat a healthy pan and using a little bit of coconut oil and egg rings.
3. Push the potato mixture into the egg rings and cook until lightly browned – you can push the top of the rosti lightly to check if cooked all the way through. Turn the rosti, cooking both sides.
4. Lay out your green salad and top with rosti. Serve with your feremented foods, avocado and top with grilled salmon.
5. Serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds or a drizzle of balsamic vinegar
Health and Happiness x