Tag: natural health

Winters First Aid Kit

Oh Autumn, there you are! It took some time to get to us but this cold wet and autumn day has finally arrived – and this usually comes with the arrival of other things… sore throats, coughs and colds. Our immune system is a wondrous thing and there are simple […]


Spring has finally arrived in London, and it is spectacular! Full colour wheels of flowers blooming in the gardens and streets, green lush grass covering the parks and people rushing out of work to get a glimpse of the sunshine and warm air.  This beautiful weather was the inspiration for […]

The Alkaliser

You know those days… you feeling a little bit blah, your missing your normal sparkle and just want a little bit more oomph? thats when I know its time for my green juice. I freaking love green juices..my body just cant get enough of them! kale, spinach, pineapple, mint, cucumber, […]

Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding

No health food aisle or clean pantry should be without chia seeds, these tiny tiny seeds pack a massive nutritional punch! Rich in Calcium, Manganese (+ other minerals), Protein, Omega 3 and Fibre – they are a little nutritional powerhouse! Chia seeds, unlike other seeds don’t need to be crushed […]

KOMBUCHA – ‘Elixir of life’

Kombucha – kom·bu·cha ( /kômˈbo͞oCHə/ ) Definition of kombucha in English: (Noun) A beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria;  Kombucha, the ‘elixir of life’ ! It may be the first time you are hearing about kombucha or like me you might have a slight addiction, which are […]